Pozdrav svim judo prijateljima, Judo klub “Mladost” iz Beceja ove godine organizuje XVIII turnir po redu.
Ovim putem vas pozivamo da dodjete u nedelju 04.oktobra.2015. godine
i Vasim prisustvom uvelicate nas XVIII medjunarodni turnir i
VIII memorijalni judo turnir “Zeljko Nikolic”.
Dear judo friends, we invite you to come on Sunday October 4th, 2015 on 18th International Tournament and 8th Memorial Judo Tournament “Zeljko Nikolic”.
Turnir ce se odrzati u hali omladinskog sportskog centra “Mladost” u Beceju
Pravo ucesca imaju poletarci (u11) , pioniri (u15) i kadeti (u18) .
Prosle godine je bilo 420 takmicara iz 52 kluba.
Ocekujemo goste iz sledecih zemalja : Slovacke, Poljske, Češke Republike, Madjarske, Bugarske, Rumunije, Slovenije, Republike Srpske, BIH, Hrvatske , Crne Gore i Srbije.
I ove godine ocekujemo preko 400 takmicara koji će se boriti na 6 tatamija.
Obezbedjene su medalje i pehari za sve uzrasne kategorije:
- Osvajaci prvog mesta u svim kategorijama u konkurenciji kadeta (u18)
dobijaju novcanu nagradu od 60 eura a osvajaci drugog mesta 40 eura.
- Pobedniku u kategoriji +66kg kod pionira, u kojoj je nastupao Zeljko Nikolic, njegova porodica ce uruciti pehar i novcanu nagradu od 100 eura,
dok ce najmladjem takmicaru na turniru pokloniti kimono. (pokazati dokument za identifikaciju).
Ocekujemo vas u Beceju i sportski vas pozdravljamo
Organizacioni Odbor
Dear judo friends, we invite you to come on sunday 4/10/2015 on 18th
International Tournament and 8th Memorial Judo Tournament “Zeljko
Technical organizer is Judo club “Mladost” Becej.
The tournament will be held in youth sports center “Mladost” in Becej.
Opened for u11, u15 and cadets u18.
Last year there were over 400 participants from 52 clubs.
We expect guests from the following countries: Slovakia, Chech Republic, Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania, Slovenia, Bosnia and Hercegovina, Montenegro, Croatia and Serbia.
This year we are expecting over 400 competitor who will fight in 6 tatamis.
Medals and trophies are provided for all age groups:
- any category winners in the male and female cadets u18 competition win cash prizes from 60 € a second place 40€.
(if in any category to be just one competitor, this award is not valid).
- winner in the category +66 kg by u-15 , where Zeljko Nikolic attended, his family will hand a cup and a reward of 100 euros,
while the youngest contestant in the tournament will be donated with a kimono. (show document for identification).
Looking forward to see You in Becej
Organizing Board